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  • [es-pree de less-ka/-iay] (idiom) A witty remark that occurs to you too late, literally on the way down the stairs. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations defines esprit de l'escalier as, "An untranslatable phrase, the meaning of which is that one only thinks on one's way downstairs of the smart retort one might have made in the drawing room."


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May 21, 2007


Very cool. I wish I had interesting co-workers like that.

Sounds like a fun trip, Claire.

Did the pandas seem vicious? :)

No, just hungry. :)

Claire! Glad you had fun. Southern California is just great. Or was, when I was there a few years back. I actually like every part of CA I've ever been to. Still doesn't beat New York City to me, but it's a close 2nd. I'd love to get back out there.

Wasn't Venice Beach cool? I really liked it there.

Great cute, vicious panda shot!

Yes, next time you need to come back for longer... I mean, c'mon - why go to China when you can hang out with me on the 405FWY for an hour?

It was such a treat to spend the morning with you. Come back, little Sheba.

Bri, I so wished we had more time. Thanks for driving me around. I'll definitely let you know when I plan my trip to SF.

i don't miss the 405, but I sure do miss Venice Beach! Which French place did you eat? I bet it was really close to where I used to live. Now I'm all sad :( It's grey here, and I miss Venice. *sigh*

I Am glad you had a good time, though!

You have to watch those pandas. They lure you in with their huggably soft fur and then they lick you and you think it's all just fun, when they are really tasting you. I have lost too many to the vile panda.

California has its charms, but so do pandas. BEWARE!

Pandas are similar to boyfriends then, huh Chuckles?!

Hmmmm I don't recall getting an email that you'd be in LA. Oh well, glad to hear you had fun and seemed to get to loads of places.

Oh and BTW, I may have been able to get your Habermas joke. My field is that dorky too--

Vanessa (from the J Ritter board)

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